Gears For Careers

Make change attainable

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Change is never easy, but many times the pain of avoiding the change can be worse than that of going through the change. So, whether you are on the receiving end of change or leading change, keep the change;

Small (ed): That is addressed in small phases. Change doesn’t have to be complicated or handled in one big go. Break it down into smaller chunks or phases. And then take steps consistently. Don’t wait to have everything lined up in a row to handle everything in one go.

Simple: Sometimes, change can be described in such convoluted terms that it can feel overwhelming. Make sure you are clear about what needs to be different through the change. If the change is complicated, start by identifying at least one ‘change’ to start with; focus on that and then move to the next bit.

Salient: It is important to make change meaningful and beneficial. When change has meaning, you will be able to bring your full effort to making it happen and press through the dreaded bits or any obstacles that may come with it and achieve impact.

Successful: You cannot guarantee success when you implement change, but you can increase your chances. One of the dangers of dealing with change is dwelling on what you do not want, instead of articulating clearly what you want and what that will look like when it happens. Keep a single pointed focus that will concentrate your efforts and help you push through the challenging bits to make the gains you want.

Sustainable: Focus on the path to and the prize of change. It is not enough for change to yield something worthwhile; the results must stick. Give change time to unfold, evolve and mature.

Now take action: What is a long overdue change you need to make? What will be the benefits? n

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